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The November Saturday Summit for the Charlotte and Winston-Salem cohorts focused on ACT Test Prep. Learn more about the Summit from the perspective of a current Scholar.


LAUNCH Scholar Eric Headshot

Eric, College LAUNCH for Leadership Scholar

The November Saturday Summit was filled with helpful tips and tricks on how to prepare for the ACT. Our guest speaker, Mrs. Kari Case, has been a teacher since 2003 and has helped many students increase their ACT scores. Through the Saturday Summit, Mrs. Case provided us with resources from websites, such as Khan Academy, Big Future, and the College Board. Not only were the tips related to test-taking, but they also touched on healthy habits, such as reading at least 30 minutes a day, getting enough sleep, and eating breakfast, which all impact one’s learning and test-taking abilities.

One of the most helpful tips I found from the Saturday Summit was the sticky note strategy. This involves reading the question first, reading the passage, predicting the answer, eliminating wrong choices, and then picking the correct answer. This strategy limits the amount of influence the answer choices may have on you and helps to keep you from second-guessing yourself. Another helpful strategy was the skip around, which seeks to get the most answers correct, no matter the order. People tend to answer questions chronologically, but if a question is too difficult, they may spend too much time on it, rather than focusing on questions they could easily get right. I enjoyed the Saturday Summit because the strategies provided helped place the exam into perspective, and it also taught me about the resources available to students.
